HINTS to David's Hell Level Group for Lode Runner: The Legend Returns Some sections are encoded in ROT-13 for those of you who want hints without giving the game away. All levels can be beaten without ever dying, but it really takes a collaborative effort to do so! (In fact, both players can make it to the portal door on each level, though this is more difficult.) Note that there are no bombs and no hidden coins. Remember that unlike the traditional levels, mine incorporate the behavior of the mad monks. That is, the lode runners' positions are very important in the way that they influence the monks, who are not very bright and often end up walking into teleporters as they come after you. Keep a vigilant eye on their behavior and use it to your advantage, or you won't be able to beat the level group. 1. Hell for Two: If you die early in the level, it's not because you're not outrunning the monks. They can't even get at you if you don't fall through! Neither player need ever go through a teleporter to beat the level... that approach will almost certainly lead to death. The two players can get all the way across without ever coming into harm's way. Gur jnl gb ernpu gur bgure fvqr naq trg nyy gur pbvaf naq gur xrl vf gb jnyx bire gur znq zbaxf' urnqf juvyr gurl'er snyyvat. Bapr lbh'ir obgu pyrnerq gur svefg ynaqvat, lbhe cnegare pna pbageby jurer gurl tb ol ybjrevat uvzfrys vagb gur jryyf ba gur ynqqre. Guvf jvyy pnhfr gurz gb pvepyr gung nern, nyybjvat lbh gb zbir ba. Fvapr lbh jvyy arrq gb ercrng guvf frireny gvzrf, lbh znl arrq gb qb gur fnzr gb nyybj lbhe cnegare gb sbyybj lbh. 2. Temptation: As the title suggests, don't be tempted to collect the coins until you've taken care of the monks. You can't get rid of them completely but either player can keep them busy in one of the two areas, above or below. Gur obggbz cynlre xrrcf zbaxf bpphcvrq ol pyvzovat n ynqqre, naq gur gbc bar ol tbvat qbja gur ynqqre. Ng gur ortvaavat, Oyhr fubhyq fraq gurz orybj ol ohelvat gurz. Gura, nsgre ur/fur unf pbyyrpgrq gur pbvaf, Juvgr pna fraq gurz hc ol fgnaqvat ba gur bgure fvqr bs gur gryrcbegref. Juvgr fubhyq abg ragre gur gryrcbegre hagvy nyy gur zbaxf unir tbar guebhtu, nsgre juvpu ur/fur znl pbyyrpg gur pbvaf naq xrl. Gura oyhr ohevrf nyy bs gurz ntnva gb pyrne gur gbc, nyybjvat juvgr, jvgu gur xrl, gb gryrcbeg hc. 3. Hades All Expense Paid: This level is fairly difficult. Each player must be able to hold up their own on the ledge on which they start, hanging the first monk and burying the rest to grab coins occasionally brought along. (You cannot get a hold of those coins any other way.) Once all coins are collected, the monks detained in the center are set free and cannot be easily manipulated, so you should think about which coin should be collected last to allow for the quickest retrieval of the key and passage to the portal door. Unfortunately, thinking is not something this level allows time for. It is easy to learn were teleporters go, and this will help out tremendously at the end. Of the six usable teleporters, all are crisscrossed except for the ones after the goo, which lead to the middle. These two should not be needed. 4. All Hell Breaks Loose: This may seem even more difficult that the last level, but in fact it has more in common with the first, except that the line between what areas are safe and unsafe is more hazy. Starting off, it is key to lure the monks into the teleporters, after which they will circle the center. Ng gur ortvaavat, rnpu cynlre fubhyq teno gur genc, eha gb gur gbc bs gur ynqqre, frg vg gurer, naq zbir yrsg. Guvf jvyy pnhfr gur gjb ybbfr zbaxf gb trg uhat naq gur bguref gb zbir vagb gur gryrcbegref naq jvaq gurve jnl gb gur zvqqyr. Vs nal zbax unf gb or ohevrq, jnvg sbe vg gb wbva gur bguref. Bapr pbvaf ba gur yrsg naq evtug unir orra pbyyrpgrq, Oyhr pna gel gb trg gb gur bgure fvqr ol jngpuvat sbe n ubyr va gur cnggrea, ohg guvf pna qvssvphyg. Vs Oyhr qvrf vg vf abg arprffnel gb jnfgr nabgure yvsr ol pbzvat onpx. Juvgr pna teno gur pbvaf va gur zvqqyr ivn n ubyr va gur gbc, cvpxvat hc gur evtugzbfg bar ynfg, naq gura fpenzoyr bire gur nccrnevat ynqqre gb tb nsgre gur xrl. 5. Hell if I Know: Who could design levels without thinking of a maze like this? Unfortunately such a level relies heavily on memorization (and lots of guesswork). Mine is fairly complex but there are some rules of thumb which will help: Divide the screen into left and right where the left consists of two columns and the right of three. Concerning the "correct" paths to take, the left columns are easy to remember, though there will undoubtedly be some trial and error involved. Notice the alternating pattern of coins on the right. In general (with exceptions that will be obvious) it is best to follow the trail of coins when in this half of the screen. However, the paths leading to the door and key are not laid out physically. In relation to the linked web of teleporters, there are three general areas, each with platforms spread all over the screen. The first area is where the players and two monks start. The second is a path to the third area, where awaits the key, door, and another monk. Remember that there are coins to be collected in all areas. 6. Taking Advantage of Evil Va beqre gb trg cnfg rnpu frpgvba, lbh arrq n zbax'f urnq gb jnyx bire. Va beqre gb trg zbaxf vagb gur evtug cbfvgvba, lbh arrq gb trg gurz gb gnxr gur pbeerpg gryrcbegre ba gur yrsg. Ohg gb trg gurz gurer, lbh'yy unir gb xvyy gurz svefg. Chyy zbaxf bhg bs rvgure ubyqvat nern bar ng n gvzr ol oynfgvat gur evz naq fgnaqvat ba gur ynqqre ng gurve yriry. Trggvat onpx vf qvssvphyg, ohg vg jbhyq or rnfvre vs fbzr bs gur zbaxf jrer uhat, fb cyna nurnq. Erzrzore gung vs lbh trg uhat lbh znl or noyr gb oynfg lbhe jnl bhg. Good Luck! David A. Villa, proud member of TELEPORTERS NOT BOMBS For questions or comments, mailto:DAV@mail.utexas.edu Check out my web page, Select Macintosh ShareWare Games, at http://www.angelfire.com/tx/daVilla/macgames.html Member of the Internet Link Exchange at http://www.linkexchange.com