August 14, 2000 JLV4.PZL was made for The Legend Returns. Throughout the years of making puzzles, we (family included) have discovered quite a few bugs. Some of them, I know, have also been discovered by others. However, I am pretty sure that some of these bugs will be new, simply because I couldn't find anything about them on the internet. The majority of these levels will contain at least one bug (or effect). Every level is possible, and fun. Some are more challenging than others. Currently, JLV4 has 14 levels. I will add levels to it and post updated versions. Be sure to send the latest copy to anyone you sent it to before. Be sure to read the title of each level (especially if you need a hint). Though, some of the hints really only help once you know how to solve them. If you need more help, then send an email to Have fun, Jim Vincent Here are the titles of each level and some notes on each. Print this out and use it as you go... 1. "Two Scoops of Ice Cream and a Monk" Just a small effect here. I also found it posted on Jason's web site. 2. "Tool Maker, Tool Maker, Make me a Tool..." This bug was found by my brother Joe. However, I recently saw it posted on Jason's Archive, so others have definitely seen it. 3. "May The Force (Field) Be With You" This one is possible due to an effect discovered by my nephews. I also saw this bug posted on Jason's Archive. All tools shown are needed. The title only helps after you've solved it. Just try some crazy things with the snare, your digger and the pick - all in the same place. 4. "The Trap Door" Some people might swear this one is impossible, unless you know about this bug. However, I have not seen anything about it on the internet. I tried to think of a better title, but it's the best I could do. Good luck and I am expecting many emails on this one. By the way, my seven-year old son Bradley discovered this bug. 5. "Hurry Up and Wait". Play'll get it. 6. "There's Only One Right Way". The wrong (left) way won't work. 7. "Head West Young Man" Before playing this must promise not to look at this puzzle in the edit mode. I'll say no more. I discovered this bug, however, I found it posted on Jason's Archive. I was bummed to find out that I wasn't the first. 8. "Dogs Dig With Paws -- Jake Digs With Pause" My brother Bill discovered this bug, and I haven't seen anything on the internet about it. I like the title - and it should help you. 9. "Triple Bypass" One small bug is used at the end of this puzzle (posted on Jason's Archive). I hope you like the title, color and sound combo. And the monks can be thought of as little blood cells. 10. "Brother Bill's Pickle" This one was created by my brother and he titled it "Pickle". No bugs, just fun. 11. "Who Says "You Can't Take It With You"?" I can't remember who in my family discovered this bug (ability). It's kind of a pain. 12. "Skating On Ice" Most of you will get this one quickly. It's an interesting effect. I discovered this effect while creating other puzzles, then built this puzzle to insure the effect was seen. Like I said above, it is possible. 13. "Buried Treasure" This puzzle has a cool "editor" bug. You will see the buried treasure (not gold) as you go. This concept is something I discovered a few years ago while making puzzles. I would be interested to know if anyone else has found this hidden editor bug. I have yet to see anything about this on the internet. Right now, I will hold off telling anyone how to do it. However, if Jason is interested, then I will let him know and he can post it. Perhaps he already knows. No bugs are needed to solve this puzzle. It is possible. It may cause some people to scream. Sorry. 14. "The Looking Glass" What does Jake see when he looks in the mirror? Solve this puzzle to find out. My son and I discovered this bug. - Update...I received feedback from someone who has a different version of LR. Unfortunately, this bug did not work on his version. Therefore, I'll explain what is supposed to happen. If pick debris lands where a bar is and a small bomb blows up right next to it while the debris is still there, then if Jake runs through the bar after the debris goes away, then the bar turns into a second but frozen Jake. When Jake runs back to the left after retrieving the gold it looks like he is staring at himself in the mirror. 15. Coming Soon...look for an updated version of JLV4.PZL. No promise as to how soon. Probably within a year.