My 7 level level group for Lode Runner Online for Win 95 By Andrew Oman ( ) this .zip file should contain two files nyahvol1.pzl (The .pzl file) readvol1.txt (The .txt file you are reading right now) This is a single player level group I made that consists of 7 levels. They are a bit tricky, but good players shouldn't have all that much trouble with them. I hope you enjoy these levels and find them interesting. Levels: Monks: Turf Substitute (Fungus world) 3 "Birds" In One "Stone" (Moss World) The Booby Trapped Sno-Cone Dam (Ice World) Utility Shack (Ancient World) Snares: Our Monk Tripping Friends (Industrial World) Brought to you by the letter "M" (Dark World) Monks From Above (Phosphorus World) There are hints at the bottom of this .txt file, if you don't want to spoil the enjoyment of the levels, you may not want to look at them... [See included readvol1.txt file for hints. -Ed.]